Sean O'Connor 



Level 10: University of Limerick Education and Health Science (EHS) PhD Student (2021-Current)

Level 8: 1st class Honours - Bachelor of Technology (Education) in Materials and Engineering Technology (2015-2019)

Level 6: Specific Purpose Certificate in Farming (2024)

Level 5: Certificate in Agriculture (2024)

Teaching Experience: 

Teaching Assistant (TA) at the University of Limerick School of Education (2019 - 2022)

Guest lecturer at the University of Limerick (2022 & 2021)

Funding & Awards:

University of Limerick EHS fee wavier 2020

Irish Research Council (IRC) scholarship awardee 2021

Research (ORCID):


University of Limerick (UL)

EPI∙STEM Affiliate (National Centre for STEM Education)

Technology Education Research Group (TERG) 

Sean O'Connor


Publications - Journal Articles

Hunt, I., O’Connor, S., Young, K., Ryan, A., Butler, E., Power, J., & Hennessy, M. (2025). Generation apprenticeships – a perspective through the lens of industry learners. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1–19.

Generation apprenticeships a perspective through the lens of industry learners.pdf

O’Connor, S., Power, J., Blom, N., & Tanner, D. (2024). Engineering students’ perceptions of problem and project-based learning (PBL) in an online learning environment. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 1–14. 

Engineering students perceptions of problem and project-based learning PBL in an online learning environment

Reference: O’Connor, S., Power, J., & Blom, N. (2023). A Systematic Review of CDIO Knowledge Library Publications (2010 – 2020): An Overview of Trends and Recommendations for Future Research. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education AJEE.

A systematic review of CDIO knowledge library publications 2010 2020 An Overview of trends and recommendations for future research.pdf

Publications - Books


Reference: Radl, A., Chatza, A., Tanner, D., Hulthen, E., Carlsson, J., Young, K., O’Connor, S., & Power, J. (2023). Transforming Your Teaching: An E-guide to Support Educators in Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes. 

E_guide_Enhancing_Digital_STEM_v5 (3).pdf

Publications - Reports


Publications - Conference Papers

Blom, N., Canty, D., Lane, D., & O’Connor, S. (2023). Developing technology students’ hierarchical thinking during iterative processes of designing through sketching activities. The 40th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference Proceedings 2023, 1(October), 0–11.

Canty, D., Blom, N., O’Connor, S., & McCarthy, M. (2023). Supporting Initial Teacher Education Students Assessment Literacy and Capability Development. The 40th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference Proceedings 2023, 1(October), 1–10.

Reference: O’Connor, S., Power, J. R., Blom, N., Tanner, D. A., & Mulvihill, E. S. (2023). Comparing Engineering Students Perceptions Of Online And Traditional Face To Face Environments During A Problem And Project Based Learning (PBL) Module. SEFI: Engineering Education for Sustainability: Reflecting on the Role of Engineering and Technology Education for a Sustainable World., 0–14. 

Comparing Engineering Students Perceptions Of Online And Traditio.pdf

Reference: O’Connor, S., Power, J. R., Blom, N., Tanner, D. A., & Brum, V. De. (2023). Teamwork Satisfaction And Student Attitudes Towards Online Learning During An Engineering Problem And Project Based Learning (PBL) Module. SEFI: Engineering Education for Sustainability: Reflecting on the Role of Engineering and Technology Education for a Sustainable World., 0–13. 

Teamwork Satisfaction And Student Attitudes Towards Online Learni.pdf

Reference: O’Connor, S., Power, J., Blom, N., & Tanner, D. (2022). Evidence-Based Practice to the Forefront: A Case Study of Engineering Team Project-Based Learning in an Online Learning. 50th Annual Conference of The European Society for Engineering Education, 2108–2114. 

SEFI Conference 2022.pdf

Research Projects & Community Work